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Hgh prijs
Bodybuilders often take HGH in exogenous form to increase HGH production, increasing muscle mass and fat loss. However, exogenous HGH production does not appear to be very good in many ways. It is associated with insulin resistance, poor cardioprotection, obesity risk, and increased risk for liver disease and heart disease, among other things [2], hgh prijs. Most importantly, the dose is low enough that, even for the most experienced users, it is probably not worthwhile.
The problem is that people often take exogenous HGH without being very knowledgeable about the effects, best testosterone only cycle. It seems to me that it would be better for most bodybuilders (and more informed people) to work directly with HGH producers like the University of South Korea and the National Center of HGH for Sports, where scientists have been studying HGH for a long time.
However, until recently I was unaware of the existence of a group of scientists who study this issue and published a paper in the July issue of the Journal of Sports Sciences showing that exogenous HGH production is just as good as endogenous HGH for muscle mass [3], somatropin buy online uk. Here is a review article about the same group of scientists which I strongly recommend:
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They conducted a series of experiments in which they trained rats and had a single subject take either 25,75, or 100 mg of exogenous HGH daily for 4 weeks. The results were pretty clear-cut, sustanon 0.4 ml. It was found that the 100-mg dose was not only superior to the 25-mg, but it also had more positive effects, so people who were currently taking 25 or 75 mg would be able to increase their HGH production by a factor of two. This is not an insignificant finding, since HGH levels naturally decline with age and have been reported to be quite variable in persons who train, which is probably related to the body's aging process.
There are many possible side-effects of taking exogenous HGH, depending on the particular strain of HGH being taken. They may result in increased muscle mass, impaired fat loss, reduced strength output, or even loss of lean body mass (which is, of course, very harmful), hgh prijs. In addition, the use of HGH will result in an increase in blood pressure, sustanon 0.4 ml. To prevent this, the authors recommend limiting your dose to the lower doses (25-75mg) and using a diuretic to help prevent blood pressure from rising.
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